Wednesday 11 June 2014

Breaking the Long Hiatus

Oh my! Is it one year already?

That was one very long hiatus. No, I didn't go anywhere. No, I'm not that busy. A lot of things happened during this one year, but there was nothing that kept me THAT occupied and prevented me to updating the blog.

No, my good sir. I have no sophisticated and convincing excuse to explain why I had not updated my blog that long. My one and only explanation is something very dull and boring: laziness. Plain and simple laziness. My old arch-nemesis: laziness.

I have always been a lazy person. That is something I have realized for a long time. And since I'm a logical (or have aspiration to become a logical) person, I know that laziness is bad and that I need to control it. One of the reasons I first blogged was to combat my persistent, recurring, and stupid laziness. The idea was simple: to combat laziness, I have to have motivation. I love writing and, in general, expressing my thoughts and opinions, and therefore having a  blog would be an excellent exercise for me, I thought. I would be doing something I like, which is a motivation in itself. I would just have to learn to do it in a more regular, consistent, and disciplined manner. And maybe, if I have loyal readers to this blog, I would be even more motivated to have the discipline to maintain it. In addition, I would improve my English writing skills. Ah, how perfect it all seemed then.

And how very wrong.

Because even if one does something one love, when one has to do it in a regular way, the thing that one loves becomes a routine, and as routine sets in, boredom comes, and boredom is married to laziness. And, finally, once laziness comes in, it becomes very difficult to kick it out. One needs to find a new source of motivation, which was something difficult to find I mean, I could no longer rely on the I-love-writing motivation, right? There has to be other new and fresher motivations for me, that would enable me to restart this blog.

And I found it. That motivation. I found it at last, after lengthy discussions (note that it is in plural) with many friends regarding the upcoming presidential election. I found that I disagree with so many things that they say or do (for example siding with one candidate, or sending stupid news and lies), and I lack the proper outlet to express it. I tried to give my opinion to some of them, orally or in group chats, but they were always met with resistance and denial. In addition, I found that the outlets available (such as the whatssapp group chats) to me is very limited and I could not present my opinions completely before some other guys attacked me and cut me off mid-sentence.

That is why I return to blog. This is my private and public place at the same time. Private because this spot belongs to me and I can express my opinions fully without having some other people cut me off mid-sentence and not giving me the chance to complete my statements. It is also public because other people can still read my writings and opinions and have the chance to give comments if they feel like it. This is the motivation I need to re-start my blog, and restart it I did.

I don't know if I can maintain this blog regularly for the next few months. But I do know that I have a lot of things in my chest that I need to let out. This blog is the means to do that.

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